Actividad: Finite Element Simulations in linear and nonlinear mechanics with Altair Hyperworks (advanced) 11 marzo 2025
Estimada Comunidad ESI:
Se informa de la siguiente actividad científico-técnica,
Título: Finite Element Simulations in linear and nonlinear mechanics with Altair Hyperworks (advanced)
Fechas: Días 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 y 27 de marzo de 2025
Lugar: Aula C19. ESI.
Ponente: Armin Huss (Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany).
Resumen: This course is a follow-up to the basic one given in January. After a short summary, more advanced problems will be handled.
Important note: The course is focused on computer simulation, using HyperWorks™ (software and license will be provided). Bringing a laptop is recommended. Laptops can also be borrowed from ESI Library.
Inscripción: Para poder asistir al curso es necesario inscribirse enviando un mensaje a indicando en el asunto “Inscripción curso Huss” antes del día 18 de marzo de 2025.
La asistencia está limitada a 20 personas.
La Dirección de la ESI